First, let me back up to Monday. Around 10pm the main site,, was revamped. There were tons of issues with things being launched and not connecting and people trying to get on to see the new stuff, etc, etc. It was horrible. They need a new webmaster and, yes, I am available... just say the word! As of right now there is still a Test script in the tour stuff on the front page... come on already! LOL. They even messed it up so much that people couldn't get on the site while using Internet Explorer... as you know I'm a Mozilla girl and was on the site right away and help to triage some of my fellow Blockheads issues. Anyways... go check it out things seem to be working now or just download Mozilla so you don't have that happen to you again, plus this site will look better.
If you are still having issues check out this YouTube which gives you an idea of what it looks like:
The CD. The Block was officially released yesterday. There are a few versions...
- The Block - orange cover. It has 13 songs on it and was the "original album"
- The Block - Deluxe - blue cover. This has 17 songs. Still great... but not the best.
- The Block - Deluxe with Bonus - Looks just like the Deluxe but has a sticker on it about the bonus and is only at Target. So go to Target and get your copy of The Block Deluxe with bonus. Find the one with a sticker on it saying it has a BONUS DVD included in it. Some stores may be out... so if yours doesn't have it try try again :)
- iTunes - also has The Block
- iTunes - also has The Block Deluxe and has a bonus song called Close To You
Here's a video about making the album:
The guys were on The View yesterday too... here's the YouTube version of it...
The guys were on The View yesterday too... here's the YouTube version of it...
Then come to find out the new video for Single was also released and the making of the video:
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