June 23, 2008

Donnie says...

This was on www.nkotb.com today... wooooo hoooooooooo :) Party Party Party!

Hey All-

Mixing the album- HOT!
Rehearsing for the tour- HOT!
Meeting many fans new and old- HOT!
Temperature in L.A.- CRAZY HOT!!!!!
Celtics won the Championship- SIZZLIN’
(Maybe that’s why its so hot in L.A.????)
Much Music Video Awards- HOT & WET!
Rihanna in her catsuit- STEAMING HOT!!
Three months til the jump off- SSSSS!

Get ready!

Last thing- all fans be forewarned!!!! I ain’t hiding in my hotel on this tour! I am coming to, and I will, FIND YOU!!! I expect to meet you, speak with you, and get some face time with as many of you as possible. That’s my word!

Let’s have some fun!!

My Love-



Trisha said...

Now THAT truely made my day! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, I cannot wait to meet him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH. I am like, dying right now! Holy schmoly.

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